
My name is Matt Davis. I’m a mentor, husband, and father. I’m also currently a Principal Technical Specialist at Microsoft, but this blog, its content and opinions are my own. I work in Central Illinois with large enterprises to ensure that their implementations on Azure are successful.

I’m a technologist at heart. Ever since I read Neuromancer by William Gibson in my pre-teens, I’ve been excited about ubiquitous computing and its impact on society. I feel that mainstream public cloud adoption dramatically changes everything from business to how individuals live their best life, both for good and bad. I’m concerned about inequality of all types and the erosion of privacy.

I try to approach things with empathy; I feel like I’m at my best when working collaboratively with a diverse team that is excited about the possibilities. It worries me that many people seem to be miserable; I’m always looking to bring joy into work. Some days I’m more successful at this than others.

In my free time, I read fantasy and science fiction books and play video games. I’m also currently working on learning Python - I started my career developing in COBOL and JCL for Y2K remediation, transitioned to vbscript and perl for Systems Administration scripting, and have always founding having foundational skills in at least one “current” language to be beneficial.